DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-107-115
The growing demands on the modern teacher dictate that at the stage of professional training, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the pedagogical reality and form the necessary professional competencies in it. Such immersion will not only improve the quality of teacher training, but also make changes in the “traditional” university education, provide the necessary practice-oriented professional education. The purpose of the article is to identify changes in the formation of professional competencies of students participating in the project “Family Tutor”. Changes were identified during the survey, self-assessment and interviewing of students. The material of the study was the data of the project “Family Tutor”, supported by the Timchenko Foundation and implemented during 2019–2021 on the basis of the Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Korolenko. In the course of the study, using a self-assessment sheet and a questionnaire, an increase in the level of formation of professional competencies of students-tutors was revealed. To determine the growth factors, the students were interviewed. It showed that the growth of professional competencies is mainly determined by: regular communication with the child and with parents, project participants; participation in diagnostic activities to identify personal problems of the child; implementation of a comprehensive analysis of factors, including those related to psychological health, leading to the appearance of risks, in the relationship of the teacher, child, family, etc. Based on the identified factors, adjustments were made to the “traditional” educational process. The study showed that the participation of students in the project contributes to the formation of professional competencies, allows students-tutors to gain professional experience directly in real conditions and, accordingly, to increase the practice-oriented education.
Keywords: professional competencies, students-tutors, dysfunctional family
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 107 — 115
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