DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-241-247
This article presents the process of development of pedagogical support of visually impaired learners with multiple severe developmental disorders (exemplified by deafblind learners), including visually impaired learners in Russia and Siberia, starting prior to the revolution of 1917 until the present day. Experience has proven it is essential to know the history of pedagogical support of visually impaired learners with multiple severe developmental disorders to gain a better understanding of the current status of the subject. This pedagogical research allows you to trace the dynamics of the formation of special institutions in chronological order from the beginning to the present time. The establishment of such institutions took place on charitable basis without state financial support. The role of the All-Russian Society of the Blind in organizing the employment of blind adults and current status of rehabilitation centers are shown. The article considers the emergence of scientific schools and their role in the development of the content and methods of teaching blind and deafblind children. Pedagogical and typhlopedagogical developments that occurred many years ago leave a significant mark in science. It is emphasized that the interest of science in teaching the blind was born very slowly. Only by the middle of the twentieth century a network of state special institutions for blind and deafblind children has appeared. Some prominent scientists and teachers who have made a valuable contribution to typhlopedagogy are noted.
Keywords: special institutions of pedagogical support for the blind and deafblind children, typhlopedagogy, students with multiple severe developmental disorders
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 241 — 247
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