DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-206-212
The problem of the development of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and its active application is posed. The solution to this problem is associated with the development of the cognitive interest of students at the age when they begin to study physics. The cognitive activity of students of this age in teaching physics is associated with the development of such mental operations as understanding, logical thinking and depends on the level of their development. The organization of active cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the classroom, in the process of which the ability to understand the presented material is formed, cognitive interest develops and logical thinking requires special methods and a certain organization of lessons, which is currently not sufficiently developed. It is proposed to do this on a system of problematic lessons. Using the example of a specific development of one of these physics lessons, it is shown that the involvement of schoolchildren in solving problems in the classroom and the use of a set of methods and techniques that allow them to be solved, activates mental activity and cognitive abilities. Heuristic conversation, the inclusion of some students in practical activities and interactive observation are used as methods and techniques. It analyzes how it is possible to organize a heuristic conversation when conducting problem lessons, and what types of questions to use in the framework of the conversation, how to organize the practice. The success of the proposed methods for the development of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren is confirmed by specific quantitative data on the development of the cognitive interest of 7th and 8th grade students: the level of participation in heuristic conversation, the complication of the nature of the questions that involve in the conversation, as well as the readiness for reflection and self-development.
Keywords: cognitive activity, ways of enhancing learning, problem lesson, heuristic conversation, chamomile of questions, assessment of enhancing cognitive activity
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 206 — 212
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