DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-186-196
The purpose of the article is an external evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the primary school students’ self-management skills and teachers’ self-management skills during the distance learning time of pandemic-2020. The emergency transition to distance learning has caused difficulties in teaching and learning. Probably these difficulties are due to the insufficient level of students’ and teachers’ self-management skills. Data includes the results of two empirical studies carried out by the Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. First, results of diagnostics of the primary school students’ self-management skills in 2018–2021 years. Students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of Perm region schools participated in the diagnosis. Criterion-oriented diagnostics based on everyday situations in the logic of functional literacy assessment. Secondly, primary school teacher’s self-assessment of the problems of organizing distance learning during the pandemic-2020. A focus group of 79 primary school teachers took part in the semi-structured Internet survey. The results of the study show that primary school teachers were not ready for distance teaching. The teachers’ work time has increased, caused by mastering distance tools and new conditions for self-regulation. The need of special attention for self-management students’ skills was identified. Certain students’ self-management skills were important for distance learning, such as planning, self-control and self-esteem, the choice of effective methods of action. The teacher’ training also is required to be focused on assessment skills, applying of automated control tools, developing of students’ self- and peer- assessment skills in a digital environment. Based on the results of an external evaluation, the authors suggest developing the primary school teachers’ professional competencies.
Keywords: external evaluation in education, distance education, higher education, primary school, functional literacy
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 186 — 196
Downloads: 1300