DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-40-48
The organization of professional training of students at the university is focused on the social needs of society and is conditioned by the requirements that are imposed on the primary school teacher. Within the framework of professional training, the emphasis is on its methodological component, which is based on the involvement of the future teacher in the process of building their own education, a conscious attitude towards mastering the profession. The goal is to consider such a way of involving future primary school teachers in the process of their own methodological preparation, as a joint lesson design. As materials for the study, we used works devoted to the consideration of the organization of professional training of future teachers and their further professional activities. On the basis of the Altai State Pedagogical University, a survey of students “My methodical training” was conducted, which made it possible to determine the understanding of future primary school teachers of their own training and their role in it. The results of the analysis of the survey showed that students attach the greatest importance to the development of lessons, while it is important for them to be involved in this activity, and not just to receive methodological information. Based on the data obtained, as well as taking into account the specifics of the organization of joint activities in the process of methodological training of future primary school teachers, various options for joint design of lessons were developed and implemented within the discipline “Methods of teaching the Russian language and literary reading”: joint design with a teacher, joint design in pairs and collaborative design in groups. This article discusses in detail the option of joint design in pairs – on the example of organizing the activity game “Joint design: developer and expert”. The participants of the game interacted with each other for several weeks, creating, analyzing and correcting the outline of the lesson. Collaborative design of lessons allows future teachers to be involved in the process of their own methodological preparation, making it more conscious, reflective and methodically open.
Keywords: joint design, methodological training, future primary school teachers, joint activity, activity game
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 40 — 48
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