DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-49-54
The national development strategy sets an important task for vocational education – to prepare personnel for the renewal of the economy and ensuring its competitiveness in the world market. The experience of professional education shows that the educational process, consistently carried out in the academic environment, and then in the field of professional activity in the conditions of high dynamics of information processes, leads to a rapid obsolescence of knowledge. The competence orientation defined by the new educational standard has a truncated character when it comes to innovative products, the creation of which requires the involvement of the subject in the innovation process. The model of an educational cluster based on the integration of heterogeneous social spheres – education and professional activity, in the integrity of which the training of specialists is carried out, is updated. The article examines the basis of the integration form of an educational cluster – the complementarity of the subjects of heterogeneous social spheres, who, as members of the cluster, can attract additional resources to their professional activities. The conclusions can be used in making decisions of regional entities about joining the educational cluster to create the advantages of their own business.
Keywords: educational cluster, innovation, integration, complementarity, region, economy, the principle of complementarity, resource, education management
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 49 — 54
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