DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-230-240
The current situation is characterized by increasing globalization, digitalization, mass communication, etc. However, the problems associated with cognitive activity will always be a priority since they not only ensure continuity in knowledge transfer, but also encourage further development. Though, the very definition of the concept of “cognitive activity” has not been presented in the scientific literature yet. Therefore, the authors’ interpretation is offered as a novelty: cognitive activity is a purposeful study of the surrounding reality by an individual when he/she acquires (clarifies, expands, etc.) knowledge, corrects ideas about subjects and objects of this reality, learns and develops skills providing comprehension of the surrounding reality and its modifications. Based on the logic of the concept presented, the authors study the risks of organizing cognitive activity in preschool children in the process of using digital gadgets. The basis of the material is the analysis of domestic and foreign publications on the stated problem. A number of researchers consider the impact of digital devices on the development process as a positive one, while others see the risks of using gadgets. Materials of foreign studies related to 2016 are distinguished by their interest in this issue, restrained optimism and an attitude towards further research. However, by 2018, the tone of the researchers’ conclusions regarding the use of digital devices by preschool children had undergone a change from neutrally interested to cautiously anxious (Graafland J. H., Rocha B, Nunes C. et al.). It is proved that a long stay of schoolchildren in the digital environment (passive cognitive development) has implications because of the decrease in the ability to form and operate with knowledge, which is the basis of cognitive activity. Nevertheless, the “digital world” is evolving, so further research is needed in order to prepare the younger generation for cognitive activity in the surrounding reality, not only “here and now,” but also in the distant future.
Keywords: cognitive activity, preschool children, digital reality, digital natives, pros and cons of using digital gadgets
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 230 — 240
Downloads: 821