DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-9-14
The article defines the notion «children and teenagers with deviant behavior», points at the underdevelopment of their certain social and personal characteristics, namely imperfection of social and communicative qualities, incomplete development in their system of values, difficulties in acquiring social roles in communication, aggression, insincerity, impatience, unsociability, increased petulance, unwillingness to learn and work, unhealthy habits, lack of interest in acquiring knowledge, low degree in motivation for studies, decrease in striking for success. The author signifies the necessity for adopting the package of measures to increase effectiveness of the child and teenage deviant behavior prevention system and establishment conditions for their successful socialization at educational organization. The package should include psychosocial, legal measures and measures of pedagogical correction that require a special educational approach to organized pastime for children and the development of a positive and socially-oriented personality. An organizational and pedagogical model is presented to ensure building a positive and socially-oriented personality in a teenager with deviant behavior which will be achieved through a number of extracurricular activities that include the objective, theoretical and methodological, organizational and procedural, sense bearing, evaluative and diagnostic blocks. It must also prove to be a mechanism for realization of protective work in an educational institution. It provides insight into substantive aspects of extracurricular activities as an important trend of socialization and organization of the environment for responsible and socially acceptable behavior. The basic principles are determined, as well as socialpedagogical, axiological, personal-activity approaches that provide implementation of organizational and pedagogical building model of positive and socially-oriented personality of deviant behavior teenager.
Keywords: organizational and pedagogical model, deviant behavior, social-pedagogical approach, axiological approach, personal-activity approach, extracurricular activities
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 9 — 14
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