DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-43-53
The question of pedagogical conditions for the development of critical thinking in modern schoolchildren in the process of studying mathematics is considered. The results of the study of approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of «pedagogical conditions» are presented, which allowed us to define pedagogical conditions as a set of objective possibilities, content, forms, methods, pedagogical techniques, the nature of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process, aimed at solving pedagogical problems. The modern trends of innovations in the educational process are formulated. The strategy of teaching is described and the various stages of formation for the development of critical thinking in modern adolescents are given. The article describes the theoretical aspects related to the problem of the development of critical thinking in modern adolescents. Criticality of the mind is a property when a person can correctly evaluate thoughts, his own and others’, be critical of information, when you can analyze all the assumptions and conclusions made and not take them for granted. Examples of the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of critical thinking in adolescents are given. Strategies for the formation of the experience of critical thinking of schoolchildren, including the formation of concepts, the interpretation of data, and the application of rules and principles, are described.
Keywords: critical thinking, pedagogical strategies, teenagers, mathematics
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 43 — 53
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