DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-54-67
The definition of the concepts of creativity is given, methods of using three-dimensional modeling used in the visual arts and science are given, taking into account the latest data in this field of activity. The research material was the work of various authors in the field of the development of creativity and creativity, as well as the materials of researchers in the field of three-dimensional modeling. Their use made it possible to study the ideas about the development of creativity in younger students. In the creative process, the productive and reproductive components of thinking have a direct connection and the ability to move from one to another. Thanks to this, the evolutionary ability of intelligent systems can be provided, as well as the ability to reproduce, analyze and design, since any complex system develops on the basis of contradictory properties. Imagination is intermediate between perception, thinking and memory. The peculiarity of this form of the mental process lies in the fact that imagination is peculiar only to people who are able to modify the world around them, change reality, and also create something innovative. Today, the use of modern advances in computer technology is freely distributed in many areas. In order to develop a person’s creative thinking, the use of computer technologies, including 3D modeling, plays a significant role. It can be noted that the need to develop creative thinking through 3D modeling is due to the fact that information technology will bring benefits in the field of national education. On the basis of the analyzed theoretical base, a system of tasks has been developed, including: questions requiring creative activity; simple creative tasks at the reproductive level; creative projects for 3D modeling. The inclinations to creativity are inherent in every younger student who needs to initially prepare the child for the search for new ideas and non-standard solutions. Creativity not only develops creativity, but also broadens the horizons, fosters personal qualities such as initiative, dedication and perseverance.
Keywords: creativity, ability, 3D modeling
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 54 — 67
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