DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-90-98
Currently, the personality of each serviceman plays an important role in the development of a military specialty. The article examines the personality of a serviceman from the psychological point of view through the essence of the main mental properties, which include: focus, temperament, character and abilities. The article considers the strong-willed and emotional qualities of the personality, positive and negative habits, the military-professional education of the soldier, which is reflected in his discipline, which are important for a serviceman. The concept of «professionalism» is disclosed as the level of mastering a professional activity that meets the existing standards and objective requirements in the world. The dependence of the success of service and combat activities of servicemen on their professionalism has been determined. The article describes the structure of militaryprofessional competence, the realization of which by each serviceman contributes to the disclosure of their creative potential in favor of military activity, motivates them to successfully perform service-combat tasks. The article presents the results of the analysis to study the level of readiness to perform service and combat missions by various categories of servicemen. The data obtained indicate a high degree of readiness of the officers who took part in the experiment to perform service and combat missions. Contract servicemen and cadets who took part in the experiment showed a level of readiness to perform service and combat missions that did not go beyond the average values. The result of the experiment confirms that its participants have the necessary professional and personal qualities that contribute to the successful fulfillment of the assigned service and combat missions. The readiness indicators of contract servicemen and cadets who took part in the study push us to look for ways to increase the efficiency of servicemen’s performance of service and combat tasks in their daily activities.
Keywords: serviceman, Rosgvardia, service and combat activity, personality, professionalism, professional qualities of a soldier’s personality
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 90 — 98
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