DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-123-129
The article deals with the application of information technology security in the process of training officers for the needs of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Attention is focused on the fact that the educational sphere is undergoing significant changes, which in turn makes a huge corrective value in the process of training future officers of the Russian Guard. It is described that military science differs significantly from the traditional education system in civilian educational institutions and the development of military education is carried out as an independent branch of special education. The problems of ongoing research on the effectiveness of the learning process in military educational institutions of higher education of the Russian Guard are given, that these studies are gaining tremendous popularity and significance. The main significant trends in the development of information technology security, as an integral part of information security, are described, a conceptual definition of information technology security is given, which puts security in one of the leading positions that implement certain interests of the state and society in information exchange. The main significant trends in the development of information technology security as an integral part of information security are described, a conceptual definition of information technology security is given, which puts security in one of the leading positions that implement certain interests of the state and society in information exchange. The existing levels of information technology security are considered according to the criteria for its use. The informational orientation in military education is described, which will allow achieving certain educational goals in the course of training future officers for the needs of the Russian Guard. An aspect is made that the use of information technologies in the learning process will not completely replace the experience of the teaching staff in the direction of the relevant industry, but will only facilitate the understanding and assimilation of the educational material by the cadets. In the final part, a generalizing conclusion is given to the fact that information technology security brings to the fore the issues available on the issues of providing information.
Keywords: information technology security, information security, cadet, officer personnel, information technology, digital transformation
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 123 — 129
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