DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-130-139
The article examines a structural-functional model of the development of readiness to develop the readiness of information security specialists for professional activity in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. The highlighted components: normative-conceptual, program-target, professional-activity and control-assessment will allow developing the necessary level that will be sufficient for performing professional activities in the Russian Guard. The methodological basis of the developed model is the competence-based and system-activity approaches, which allow the conceptual-orienting function of the training process of future information security specialists. The use of the system-activity approach in the structural-functional model of readiness development is understood as a new expression of the activity approach, which is currently of great interest to most scientists and researchers. The analysis of the reviews received from the commanders of the military units of the Russian Guard on the graduates of the faculty (communications) of the Perm Military Institute of the National Guard troops showed the need, when organizing the educational process, to consider in more depth the issues of ensuring the protection of information, taking the necessary measures to certify the allocated premises, developing a practical component to repel hacker and other attacks on the information space of the National Guard. The basis of the technology for training information security specialists for professional activities is the implementation of a specialized course for conducting «Cyber training», which includes a set of practical and laboratory work. The situational tasks developed in the same specialized course, compiled on the basis of their own experience in ensuring the protection of information as a supervisory authority, will allow future information security specialists to avoid stereotyped errors when organizing security checks of objects and adjust their professional activities.
Keywords: specialist, information security, structural and functional model, system-activity, professional activity, development, readiness, troops of the national guard
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 130 — 139
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