DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-150-159
The rapidly developing process of digitalization of the economy has led to dynamic changes in secondary vocational education. The digital economy is one of the main sources of educational goal-setting. The social order for the results of secondary vocational education is formulated in the list of formed professional and general competencies, the content of which changes significantly under the influence of digitalization. The introduction of Federal State Educational Standards sets professional educational organizations the task of meeting their requirements. The problem of choosing methods and technologies of teaching aimed at forming student’s general competencies and principles, ways and methods of their assessment becomes urgent. The issue of the formation of general competencies of students at all stages of training and education is one of the most relevant in the practice of secondary vocational education in Russia. The analysis of normative legal documents, theoretical approaches, conditions and results of practical educational activities allowed us to identify the relevance and specifics of the process of forming general competencies among students of secondary vocational education in the context of digital opportunities. The article considers the determining factors, the possibilities of extracurricular distance competitive technologies. The structure is defined and the structural and functional model of formation of general competences of students of the system of secondary vocational education in the process of extracurricular distance competitive educational events is developed, which represents an integral didactic system and consists of structural components: target, environmental, content, procedural and evaluation blocks. The presented pedagogical model reflects the necessary elements that form the pedagogical process. The components included in the model are interrelated, carry a certain semantic load and determine each other. A special feature of the pedagogical model is the purposeful application of the conditions and opportunities used in distance educational technologies to the extracurricular competitive activities of students in order to form common competencies. The practical significance of the study is to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of general competencies of students and the use of the developed model in the educational process of secondary vocational education in the context of digitalization.
Keywords: federal state educational standards, general competencies, national qualifications framework, digitalization, extracurricular distance competitive technologies
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 150 — 159
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