DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-160-169
The article discusses the issue of the formation of social and informational competence of students (who are trained in secondary specialized educational institutions - colleges) of pedagogical specialties in the implementation of the components of media education. The characteristic of social and informational competence is given, methods of using the components of media education in the system of secondary specialized education are described. Possible ways of forming competence are presented, main directions of work are named. The article defines the components of the model for the formation of social and information competence. The characteristics of the pedagogical conditions that must be observed for the formation of social and informational competence in students in the process of implementing the educational process are given. Highlighted such pedagogical conditions as organizational - the specifics of the organization of the educational environment and its equipment; internal position and motives of the student; accounting for the content and variability of educational and program documentation. The main directions of modernization of the educational process are named: the adjustment of curricula, the introduction of modules aimed at the formation of a high level of social and informational competence among students of pedagogical specialties. The role of the teacher in the formation of the competence of students is characterized, the activities of the school of professional skills for teachers are described. The features of the current certification using WorldSkills standards are disclosed.
Keywords: social and information competence, media education, self-education, diversification, modular approach, Internet resources
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 160 — 169
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