DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-170-176
The article deals with the formation of universal competencies among the bachelors of pedagogical education (critical thinking, cooperation, communication, creativity, computer literacy). In the context of the modern transformation of education, the formed universal competencies will allow young professionals to be adaptive, mobile, corresponding to the challenges of modern society, and will help to organize their professional activities taking into account the characteristics of generation Z. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this generation in educational activities is the rapid finding of information on the Internet while simultaneously performing several tasks, the ability to assimilate large amounts of information grouped by a specific topic, multimedia, joint (group) decision-making, etc. An approach to the design of the educational process based on the technology of «reverse design», SMART-form (smart planning: concrete, measurable, achievable, coordination, time) and B. Bloom’s taxonomy is presented. The requirements for the formulation of learning outcomes, which should be measurable and motivating for learning, are outlined; the assessment activity should allow the student to confirm the achievement of the planned result; learning outcomes should be correlated with each other and correlated with the context of the discipline; the achievement of the planned result should be carried out in a specific time interval (during the period of studying the discipline). The author describes his own experience in designing of education outcomes for the academic discipline «Extracurricular activities in elementary school» for bachelors of pedagogical education. The design has the following algorithm: formulating of education outcomes in the discipline, decomposition of education outcomes in the discipline into education outcomes by module, development of assessment activities, determining the type of activity (microlearning, differentiated learning, agile-technology, inverted class, group work, mutual commenting), selection of Internet tools and services (Google-table, Mentimeter constructor,, platform). The presented pedagogical experience can be used in the design of education outcomes in all disciplines, in order to form universal competencies for bachelors of pedagogical education.
Keywords: design, education outcomes, bachelors of teacher education, universal competencies, generation Z, digitalization, extracurricular activities, reverse design technology, B. Bloom’s taxonomy
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 170 — 176
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