DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-210-220
The article is devoted to the description of thanatological competence as mastering thanatological knowledge for making professional decisions in psychological practice and education. The relevance of the development of thanatological competence in the training of practical psychologists is due to the socio-cultural, professional and individual psychological aspects, which are amplified due to the coronavirus pandemic. The author provides information on the foreign experience of implementing programs to improve the thanatological competence of specialists in helping professions (doctors, psychologists, teachers), provides data on their effectiveness and difficulties in their implementation. Domestic experience is represented by educational disciplines only in some higher educational institutions and private thanatotherapy courses. At the same time, a number of studies reveal the relevance of the development of thanatological competence among future psychologists and a request to include this issue in the educational program, taking into account the coverage of the cognitive, activity and value-motivational component of thanatological issues. The main difficulties in the implementation of courses and disciplines of thanatological orientation are not only the ethical aspects of covering the issues of death in the educational program, but also the insufficient representation of research on death, dying and loss in domestic science. In conclusion, the author outlines the prospects for the implementation of the thanatopsychological direction in science, practice and educati on.
Keywords: fear of death, thanatopsychology, attitude towards death, thanatological competence
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 210 — 220
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