DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-229-235
The necessity of increasing the personal success of schoolchildren is actualized. The significance of the formation of personal learning outcomes in adolescents in the learning process is substantiated. The definition of «self-concept» is given and the expediency of forming a positive image of self in adolescents is highlighted. The aim is to describe the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a positive «self-concept» of schoolchildren on the example of the experience of the scientific-applied project. Three psychological and pedagogical conditions are characterized. It involves the development of extracurricular activity courses, the inclusion of schoolchildren in the cadet movement, and assistance to teachers in developing the readiness to form a positive «selfconcept » of children in the basic school. The experience of the general educational organization that implements these conditions is described. The results of primary and repeated diagnostics of formation of personal educational results of teenage students are given. The conclusion about the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical conditions is made on the basis of the revealed dynamics of schoolchildren development. Theoretical value of the study is expressed in the enrichment of scientific research proposed psychological and pedagogical conditions. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of implementing these conditions in the practice of most general educational organizations of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: psychological and pedagogical conditions, positive self-concept, general educational organization, courses of extracurricular activities, cadet movement, training of teachers
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 229 — 235
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