DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-6-190-198
The article analyzes the concept of “self-development” and the personality abilities associated with it from a psychological point of view. The purpose of the research is to consider the concept of “self-development”, as well as “the ability for self-development”, “the highest ability for self-development” and identify the difference between these abilities. In the course of the analysis the concept of self-development is described, its various characteristics and parameters are revealed. The article presents definitions of the ability for self-development, covering its different aspects, such as systemic, integrative, subjective, activity-oriented, life-oriented, transformative, motivational-value, evaluative-orientational, self-regulatory, reflexive-regulatory, cognitive. It is shown that there is no single concept of self-development. Some concepts emphasize the role of cognitive factors, while others give priority to self-regulatory skills; subject position; transformation of the inner world; specific activity for self-change, aimed at solving life problems. It is concluded that the variety of factors contributing to self-development, the identification of many its aspects and components, various forms of manifestation seems to be logical, since it reflects the complexity and multidimensionality of this psychological phenomenon. A special place in the article is occupied by the description of subjectiveness, which is interpreted by the author as one of the key factors determining self-development. The important role of the position of the subject and subjectiveness in self-development and its importance for the manifestation of the highest ability for self-development, when a person acts as a subject of activity, as a subject of development, and as a subject of life, is emphasized. The specificity of the highest ability for self-development is noted, associated with its belonging to the mental component of spiritual abilities. The difference between the ordinary ability for self-development and the higher ability for self-development is shown, which is due to the fact that the highest ability for self-development is focused on absolute values and high spiritual and moral ideals.
Keywords: characteristics of self-development, subject, subjectiveness, the ability for self-development, the highest ability for self-development
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Issue: 6, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 190 — 198
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