DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-2-56-64
The necessity of teachers’ training in the formation and assessment of functional literacy is actualized. It highlights such a direction as creative thinking. The importance of the development of creative thinking in teachers is argued. The methods for developing creativity in adult learners are reviewed and the use of knowledge exchange is suggested. The aim is to describe the application of knowledge exchange in the development of creative thinking in teachers. Five content lines for the development of teachers’ creative thinking at the advanced training and retraining courses are identified: a) actualization of the problem of teachers’ creative thinking in accordance with the requirements of state educational policy; b) assistance in research of teachers’ creative potential; c) analysis of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of personality creativity; d) discussion of digital educational platforms to identify effective means of developing creativity; e) conducting a group reflection on existing means of developing creative thinking and ways of exchanging knowledge among teachers. The experience of their implementation in the institution of additional professional education of teachers is described. The results of the effectiveness of the implementation of these content lines are presented. The theoretical value of the study is expressed in the enrichment of the andragogical approach by the method of knowledge exchange. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of implementing these lines for the development of teachers’ creative thinking in the institution of additional professional education.
Keywords: knowledge exchange method, development of creative thinking, teachers, general education organizations, advanced training courses, functional literacy, digital resources
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Issue: 2, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 56 — 64
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