DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-172-180
The question of the development of personal and professional readiness for pedagogical activity among counselors’ assistants is considered. The concept of “personal and professional readiness” is analyzed. The article is devoted to the problem of training counselors - future teachers who can help the child enter the new digital world and not lose their individuality. Its purpose is to identify the features of the development of personal and professional readiness for pedagogical activity among counselor assistants, to develop and test a program aimed at developing personal and professional readiness for pedagogical activity among counselor assistants. The results of the study and the experience of testing the program are presented, within the framework of which not only the formation of interest in the teaching profession, but also the development of the necessary competencies takes place. The author’s approach to the content of the program is to use innovative technologies: an interactive seminar, business games, classes with elements of training, art therapy, parables, project sessions, workshops, professional tests, remote interaction, etc. The study used theoretical, empirical methods and methods data processing. The study was conducted on the basis of the children’s public association “Young Aleksin” in Aleksin, Tula region. The study involved assistant counselors in the amount of 20 people aged 15 to 17 years. The results of the study can be used in the preparation of counselors for work in children’s healthimproving, school camps; students who are interested in teaching activities.
Keywords: counselor’s assistant, teacher’s profession, children’s health camp, personal and professional readiness, pedagogical activity, professional self-determination, training program
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 172 — 180
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