DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-104-113
Social success determines social adaptation and acts as a backbone element of personal and professional self-determination of an adopted child. The purpose of the study is to study the social success of an adopted child as a factor in the effectiveness of a foster family. Material and methods: analysis of scientific literature; interval observations of the life of substitute families; analysis of diary entries of foster parents; surveys and interviews with foster children and foster parents, analysis of biographies of foster children, description, generalization and systematization of scientific data. The components of the social success of a foster child in the process of upbringing in a foster family are revealed. As a result of studying the life of foster families, positive and negative socio-psychological phenomena were identified. The key factor in increasing the efficiency of raising foster children is the conditions for the development of their social success, psychological and pedagogical support for social adaptation and readaptation of the child. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the presentation of structured data on the social success of the adopted child and its psychological and pedagogical conditions. The features of the manifestation of social success in the process of vocational education and self-realization as an adopted child as an adult have been established. As a result, the specific features of the behavior of adopted children in demonstrating the external and internal components of social success are highlighted, and the directions of socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical work with them are presented.
Keywords: social success, foster family, adopted child, socialization of the adopted child, components of social success
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 104 — 113
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