Use of base chronological lines in teaching a repeated-generalizing history course in high school
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-42-53
The issue of the use of reference chronological lines in teaching a repetitive-generalizing course of history in the 11th grade of a general education school considered as a factor contributing to the solution of practical problems in teaching history within the framework of generalizing lessons. Based on the analysis of domestic literature, the main approaches to the use of chronological lines in teaching history are established. The didactic structure of the author’s reference chronological line is presented. Its main elements and their didactic functions are described. Attention is focused on the positive effect of the synergy of the means of conditional graphic visualization - reference signals and the chronological line, in the process of teaching history. It is concluded that it is possible to build repetitive-generalizing lessons based on reference chronological lines, as well as to use them as a methodological tool for structural and functional analysis of the material when a teacher prepares a history lesson. The positive influence of the use of reference chronological lines on the formation of cognitive, logical universal educational actions of students, their generalization abilities is noted. The main lesson formats are indicated with a reference chronological line. The attention is focused on the positive effects of the use of the updated didactic structure of the chronological line in the course of the iterative-generalizing history course in high school.
Keywords: chronological line, reference signals, generalizing course, senior school
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 42 — 53
Downloads: 621