Organization of work with archival sources under the project “Defense products of Tomsk plant NO. 631 “Sibkabel” during the Great Patriotic War”
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-54-61
This article is a continuation of a series of publications on the implementation of the All-Russian patriotic project «Victory Map - 2025», dedicated to the contribution of the rear territories to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. A feature of the project is the focus on organizing the work of young people in the state archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Working out the phased structure of modeling the project process from acquaintance with the available historical and memoir literature through the study of archival sources and the presentation of socially significant results, we offer this article as a recommendation for organizing work with one of the most important sources of reliable information - archival documents. The chosen subject of scientific research involves the use of various archival funds in archives of various profiles, for example, in Tomsk - this is the State Archive of the Tomsk Region, which stores documents on the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all branches of the region, as well as the Center for Documentation of the Contemporary History of the Tomsk Region, which stores documents of primary, urban, regional party organizations (VKP(b), CPSU). The study of totality of documents from these archives allows you to get acquainted with both internal production and social problems of enterprise, and with party politics during the war years. The specificity of working with archival documents is aimed at the correct selection of files when working with inventories of funds, a scrupulous study of textual information in the files themselves in order to select reliable factual material in documents of various kinds. On the example of the topic “Defense products of Tomsk plant No. 631 “Sibkabel”, the work on sampling typical material in different funds of the mentioned Tomsk archives is traced, work with digital information in tabular and descriptive versions is shown, methods for comparing and collating quantitative data by years are given, the dynamics of production growth is traced, a range of cable products was identified: if in 1942 field telephone wires were the predominant type of product, in 1943 - sapper wires, in 1944 - winding copper and enamel wire, in 1945 - transition to civilian products. At the same time, the found archival material made it possible to specify the range of types of products manufactured by Tomsk plant «Sibkabel» and the introduce these data into scientific circulation.
Keywords: archival document as a source, Great Patriotic War, Siberian rear, defense products, patriotic project
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 54 — 61
Downloads: 573