Analysis of experimental work results of philology students’ language personality development on the interdisciplinary approach basis
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-78-86
The article deals with issues of the experimental work results on checking the effectiveness and efficiency of the philology students’ language personality development of the structural and functional model on the basis of the interdisciplinary approach. The purpose, objectives and methods of research on the philology students’ language personality development on the basis of the interdisciplinary approach are described. The structural-functional model including the target, theoretical-methodical, procedural-content and evaluative-effective blocks is briefly presented and described. The content of the concept of “linguistic personality of a philology student” is given and the main components of the linguistic personality of philology students, which are the criteria for its formation, are identified: cognitive, motivational-value, emotional, behavioral. Pedagogical experiment was carried out in three stages: ascertaining, forming, control. The pedagogical experiment study involved 80 first year philology students of Sevastopol State University. The certain tasks of each stage of the experiment are consistently described in the article. The diagnostic tools for each criteria components formation of the philology students’ language personality are described in the article. The author presents the dynamics of changes in the levels of components formation of the philology students’ language personality at various stages of the experiment. The obtained results in all groups at the beginning and at the end were processed using statistical methods: Mann-Whitney Utest, Spearman’s rank correlation, Wilcoxon’s T-test. The effectiveness and efficiency of the philology students’ language personality development of the structural and functional model in the educational process are confirmed by the results of the control section in the experimental group presented in the article.
Keywords: philology students’ language personality, interdisciplinary approach, structural and functional model, experimental work, diagnostic tools, statistical methods, dynamics and effectiveness of the model
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 78 — 86
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