Regional approach in the content of English language teaching at universities of Kazakhstan
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-95-103
The importance of regional knowledge in the process of English teaching is increasingly being discussed by scientists and teachers in the field of teaching English. This study revealed a positive attitude of teachers towards the use of region-based materials. It presents the findings of a study on the use of local materials in university EFL courses. The study’s objectives were to examine English teachers’ views about using local materials in their university instruction and to provide recommendations for improving the EFL teaching process. The use of empirical research techniques enabled the identification of the challenges that teachers face when teaching, as well as their attitudes regarding the usage of local materials. Data were obtained through interviews with 21 participants, and they revealed teachers’ favorable opinions on the incorporation of region-based materials. Teachers were given recommendations for how to enhance the EFL teaching process at universities based on the study’s findings. Furthermore, the regional approach contributes to positive motivation and conscious mastery of a foreign language as a means of communication. In our case, the integration of local history materials into foreign language teaching will serve both as a means of raising the educational level and improving knowledge of a foreign language.
Keywords: regional sensitivity, culture, outlook, education, local materials, educational content
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 95 — 103
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