Influence of moral concepts of senior preschoolers on interpersonal relationships with peers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-7-15
The article presents the actual problem of studying the moral ideas of older preschoolers and their impact on interpersonal relationships with peers. The authors consider the theoretical aspects of the concepts of “morality”, “moral ideas”, “interpersonal relations” based on scientific research on this issue. The need to study the influence of moral ideas of older preschoolers on interpersonal relationships with peers is due to the manifestation of instability, emotionality, dynamism, selectivity of relationships, the specifics of moral development in older preschool age. The experiment was aimed at establishing relationships between the level of formation of moral ideas and interpersonal relationships in 2 groups of older preschoolers. The main diagnostic methods were the conversation, the method of problem situations, as well as the method of mathematical statistics of the r-Spearman rank correlation coefficient. A high level of formation of moral ideas in the preschool subjects was established, as well as a low level of emotional involvement in the actions of a peer and a high level of prosocial actions addressed to a peer. The following types of positive correlation were revealed: between the moral ideas of older preschoolers and emotional involvement as an interest and various emotions in relation to the actions of a peer; between the moral ideas of older preschoolers and the nature of children’s participation in the actions of a peer; between the moral ideas of older preschoolers and the social actions of a child in relation to a peer partner; moral values of older preschoolers and emotional the states of children in relation to each other in joint play activities. It is concluded that the influence of moral ideas of older preschoolers on interpersonal relationships with peers may have practical significance in the development of programs for the moral and social development of preschool children.
Keywords: morality, moral ideas, interpersonal relationships, senior preschoolers
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 7 — 15
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