Features of the organization of pre-school training of bilingual children in the Republic of Tajikistan
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-16-23
The article presents an analysis of the experience of working with bilingual children of six years in the conditions of preschool training for Russian schools opened in the Republic of Tajikistan. The educational process in these schools will be carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education of the Russian Federation. The features of the implementation of the pre-school training program, developed in accordance with the requirements of the preschool education standard and tested in classes with bilingual children, are described. The features of bilingual six-year-olds are determined. The methods of organizing educational and play activities of preschool children who have mastered the Russian language at different levels are described, which in the future may cause difficulties for students in achieving subject and meta-subject results determined by the educational program. The speech environment is characterized, which has formed a natural bilingualism in the child and does not contribute to enriching the speech experience of a preschooler. The reasons for the difficulties in teaching bilingual children are explained. The reasons of difficulties in conducting classes on pre-school preparation, which arise both in children and in the teacher, are revealed. The stages of the organization of preschool training of future first-graders are presented, the essential directions of this work, including linguistic and mathematical content, are considered. Based on the results of work in the conditions of preschool preparation, the main conclusions are made that can guide primary school teachers implementing the educational process in Russian schools of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Keywords: pre-school preparation, bilingual child, psychological readiness, six-year-old child
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 16 — 23
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