Ethical foundations, social modeling potential and creative aspects of literary game for younger schoolchildren “Cities on the Asphalt...”
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-24-36
The article outlines the methodical concept, views the procedure of organization and holding and evaluates pedagogical capabilities and current results of the All-Russian literary game contest “Cities on the Asphalt...”, which is based on the short story of the same name by Tomsk fantasy and science fiction writer Viktor Kolupaev and has been held under the foundation of the Tomsk Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. S. Pushkin since 2015 to the present. The author analyzes the game content produced in seven seasons (names, drawings and descriptions of “cities for alien”, lists of game roles, features of project presentation), traces the ethical, socially-oriented and creative component of the contestants’ activities, identifies the principles of interaction between sources of game design (the text of the reference short story, “fantasy and science fiction standard”, a variety of background knowledge, including specific ones related to ethno-confessional traditions and local history information), characterizes the measures to optimize the pedagogical effects of the game. The study showed that the emotional acceptance of the ethical message of the reference short story, which determines the general orientation of the game activity, is in most cases unconditional, while the social attitudes and creative self-expression of the players may require pedagogical regulation.
Keywords: humanistic fantasy and science fiction, literary games, social games, role-playing games, project activities of pupils, stimulating of creativity, moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 24 — 36
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