Information systems of the digital educational environment of the school in the professional training of future subject teachers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-48-57
The implementation of the national project “Education” requires a change in approaches to the learning process at school and university. The federal project “Digital Educational Environment” implemented within the framework of this national project contains a description of the specific goals and objectives of training teachers who are able to carry out professional activities in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment. The purpose of the article is to analyze the implementation of the discipline “Information systems of the digital educational environment of the school” in the training of future subject teachers at a pedagogical university. The basis of the research is the academic discipline “Information systems of the digital educational environment of the school”, aimed at mastering information systems and technical equipment of the digital educational environment of the school by students of the IV–V courses of pedagogical specialties of the Kuzbass Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University (KSPI KemGU). The research materials indicate the problems of introducing modern technical and software tools of the digital school environment into the educational process of training future teachers. In the course of the study, it was found that for the successful implementation of information systems and technical means to ensure a digital educational environment, a different approach to the planning of the training course is required and, accordingly, the redistribution of time for the preparation and conduct of classes on the basis of technical support of the course. The entrance survey of students aimed at studying students’ attitudes to the use of information systems and technical means of the digital educational environment in professional activities showed that the main difficulty is the lack of opportunities for self-study using technical equipment that ensures the functioning of the digital educational environment based on digital services. Nevertheless, in the course of the study, it was found that at present conditions have been created at KSPI KemGU for the successful implementation of information systems and technical means of the digital educational environment in the educational process of the university in the preparation of future teachers. The author’s course of the discipline “Information systems of the digital educational environment of the school” has been developed using modern capabilities of information systems and technical means to ensure the work of a digital school. The research materials are of interest to scientific and pedagogical communities discussing the development of the digital educational environment of the school.
Keywords: information systems, digital school, digital services, training of future teachers, educational process at the university, digital educational environment
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 48 — 57
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