Interactive pedagogical communication on religious studies excursions: specifics, application possibilities, results
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-58-67
The relevance of the problem of the possibilities and specifics of the use of interactive communication on religious studies excursions is determined by the active search for forms and methods of conducting such excursions by modern teachers and guides with a general lack of development of forms and methods of using interactive pedagogical technologies on excursions dedicated to religious culture. The object of analysis in this article is the specifics and possibilities of using interactive communication on religious studies excursions. The material for the analysis is the pedagogical experience of conducting interactive excursions within the framework of the project “Female Monastery in Tomsk: immersion in reality”. The features of interactive communication on religious studies excursions are revealed, among which are reliance on the current knowledge and experience of the audience and immersion in religious culture through the use of symbols of this culture on the excursion. As a result, positive results of the use of interactive interaction were revealed: the destruction of stereotypes about religious culture among the audience, the growth of interest in tradition, as well as in the history of the excursion object itself. The materials of the article can be used in the educational process of higher educational institutions and secondary schools.
Keywords: interactive pedagogical communication, religious culture, traditional culture, excursion, monastery
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 58 — 67
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