The attitude of St. Petersburg teachers to additional professional education in distance and blended format
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-68-76
The features of the distance learning format that affect its popularity when teachers choose educational programs for advanced training are analyzed. The results of a study conducted in 2022 of the attitude of teachers in St. Petersburg to advanced training in full-time, distance and mixed formats are presented. Teachers highly appreciate the remote courses they have completed. The main disadvantage of distance courses is the lack of convenient and quick feedback from the teacher. The lack of technical means or the lack of digital competencies in our city today no longer play a role in choosing a full-time or remote form. For successful distance learning, a high level of internal motivation of students is extremely important. In general, teachers consider the blended learning format to be the most effective. Theoretical sections of the educational program teachers would prefer to take place remotely, and training in subject methods, technologies, methods of pedagogical work would prefer to take place in person. Teachers formulated requirements for pedagogical design and interface of remote modules. The prospects for building more flexible courses in a mixed format are associated with the need for certain regulatory and organizational changes in the additional professional education system.
Keywords: distance learning, blended learning, additional professional education for teachers
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 68 — 76
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