Conception of the formation of the electoral culture of the teacher
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-86-97
The work is devoted to the consideration of the conceptual foundations of the formation of the electoral culture of the teacher. The relevance of the work is due to the need to increase the electoral activity of citizens and increase motivation to participate in the electoral process. The author of the work offers a new perspective on participation in the electoral process through the prism of electoral culture. Electoral culture is considered as a part of the general culture. Electoral culture should be formed as early as possible. Not only the family, but also educational institutions should participate in this process. The author believes that the teacher has the greatest potential in the formation of electoral culture. In this regard, it is necessary to form an electoral culture among teachers and further form their understanding of the technologies of broadcasting electoral culture. The author proves that electoral culture can be formed only in a special cross-multilevel educational environment that creates conditions for this. The conceptual foundations of the formation of electoral culture are represented by the main provisions, conceptual and categorical apparatus, methodological foundations, theoretical foundations, semantic center of the concept, content and semantic content, pedagogical conditions and approbation of the concept. The paper presents an algorithm for the implementation of the concept, which allows to trace the logic of movement from theoretical positions to practical implementation. The objectives of the concept, defining its content, as well as the legal and regulatory framework that underlies the development of the concept are presented in detail. Special attention is paid to the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the concept and the theoretical foundations. The limits of the concept application are characterized. As a theoretical and methodological basis of the concept, we propose a four-level hierarchical structure of methodological foundations, including approaches at various levels. The practical result of the implementation of the concept is a program of additional education for teachers, focused on the formation of electoral culture.
Keywords: concept, electoral culture of the teacher, electorate, methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions, special educational environment
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 86 — 97
Downloads: 456