The model of training a specialist of an industrial transport university in the context of ensuring the quality of a competitive environment
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-98-105
At the present stage, the problem of the quality of specialist training is common to all educational institutions of higher education, since the trend towards a decrease in the quality of specialist training persists. The analysis of existing approaches in scientists’ research to solving this problem indicates that in order to ensure the quality of specialist training, it is necessary to develop a structural and substantive model of specialist training at an industrial transport university in the context of ensuring the quality of a competitive environment, which allows establishing interdependent processes such as: setting goals, selecting tools, methods, setting criteria for conditions of a competitive environment, which is the purpose of this study. This article presents the author’s structural and content model of training a specialist of an industrial transport university in the context of ensuring the quality of a competitive environment, developed on the basis of the principles of systemic, qualimetric and environmental approaches. The content of each of the blocks of the model is disclosed, indicating the ways and directions of further development of organizational processes of an industrial transport university in the context of ensuring the quality of a competitive environment. The developed structural and content model allowed us to establish the relationship of all the processes described in the model and find key points among such components as conditions, processes and results of educational activity. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the parameters of the model are logically justified, their completeness and interrelation, the study of the patterns of interaction among themselves, contribute to the development of the theory of university management in modern conditions. This model can be used as a practical basis for universities to develop measures to achieve the quality of training specialists and ensure the quality of its competitive environment.
Keywords: structural and content model, specialist training, competitive environment, industrial transport university
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 98 — 105
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