Educational technologies of blended learning in the training of technical specialists
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-106-112
The article explains the specifics of full-time and distance learning. It distinguishes and describes the characteristic features of both formats. The paper presents the various models of blended learning. As a research task, the author identified an attempt to assess the effectiveness of the introduction of blended learning in the educational process of the college. The article describes the experience of using such forms of learning as “flipped classroom” and “station rotation” in the discipline “Electrical engineering” in the training of mid-level technical specialists. The most significant in the blended learning is qualitative assimilation of knowledge and skills. Quality is achieved by increasing the motivation of students, a variety of forms of organization of training and individual approach to students. The text gives an information on recommendations for methodological materials for students during the organization classes using blended learning technologies. The author concludes that the solution to the problem of introducing blended learning technologies is the organization of a pedagogical workshop for the study of innovative pedagogical technologies. In conclusion, the author proposes a program of a pedagogical workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to improve the qualification of teachers for the effective use of these pedagogical technologies in the educational process.
Keywords: blended learning, innovative pedagogical technologies, flipped classroom, station rotation, pedagogical workshop
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 106 — 112
Downloads: 382