Personal and emotional-volitional components as determinants of the decision-making process
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-113-121
Introduction. The relevance of the study of the peculiarities of decision-making and manifestation in this process of individual psychological features of personality is indicated. In the study of decisionmaking of specialists and managers, there were high scores on the scales of “Vigilance” and “Hupervigilance”, as well as the use of such a mechanism of psychological protection as “Intellectualization”, which indicates an increased awareness of the consequences in the choice of the decision, the tendency to apply productive behavioral strategies (constructive coping); in decision-making they rely on reason rather than intuitive thinking; when a problem situation arises, they seek certainty in position. In a separate group of specialists and managers, the traits of “over-vigilance” were identified that prevent the process of orientation in a problem situation, because of which the individual uses spontaneous and chaotic behavior and may make mistakes in choosing possible options for action. When studying the decision-making of performers, high scores were noted on the scales “Avoidance” and “Procrastination”, as well as the use of such a psychological defense mechanism as “Denial”, which indicates that when problem situations arise, they tend to use coping strategies, aimed at avoiding difficulties or “postponing” important matters for the following days, which is also expressed in the transfer of responsibility to other people and life circumstances, speaking of bad luck or prejudice on the part of the management team; insufficient assessment of the circumstances, avoidance of difficulties and responsibility, which is also confirmed by the results of the questionnaire aimed at making decisions. Features of decision-making are of interest for further study by modern psychological science, due to the fact that they manifest the individual psychological characteristics of a particular person and the effectiveness of its activities in the production process and other aspects of functioning, including human behavior in a stressful situation.
Keywords: features of decision-making, constructive and destructive behavior, psychological defense mechanisms
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 113 — 121
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