Emotional and cognitive components of the national identity of the traditional ethnic groups of Mongolia
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-122-129
The article deals with the question of demonstrating the features of the national identity of traditional ethnic groups under the influence of globalization and ethnic revival. Ethnic groups found themselves in the face of new challenges and a continuous process of clash of values, transformation of identity components due to the acuteness of the interaction of “their own” and “others” in the world of traditions and in the world of integration of cultures. The methodological basis for the analysis of national identity is the idea of the realities of the outside world as a condition for the development and existence of the individual, which was revealed in the scientific school of V. S. Mukhina “Phenomenology of the development and existence of personality”. We consider the coupling of the realities of the external world (the objective world, the natural world, the realities of figurative-sign systems and the realities of the socio-normative space) as a condition for the development and existence of a person, which determines national identity. The aim of the study was to determine the emotional and cognitive components of the national identity of small ethnic of Western Mongols: Myangat, Torgut, Khoton, Uriankhai and Olet. The respondents’ national identity is characterized by a high stereotyped awareness of “their own” and “others”, the predominance of the emotional evaluation factor, the high importance of the traditional attitude to the objective world, the natural world, the realities of figurative and symbolic systems and the realities of the socio-normative space.
Keywords: national identity, ethnic identification, self-determination, ethnic minority, ethnic majority, traditional values
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 122 — 129
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