Theoretical and methodological modelling of a definition “psychological maturity” of a personality
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-138-146
Different aspects in a definition of “psychological maturity” of personality are discussed in this article. Psychological approaches are presented, the subject of which is the study of various aspects of maturity of the personality, including psychological maturity There is no single unambiguous definition. In order to experientially study the psychological maturity of the personality, to find ways of its development and formation, it is necessary to possess terminology, to be able to differentiate the qualities of the mature personality, to relate them to the stages of development, understand the directions of further development of psychologically mature personality. Guided by this rationale, a theoretical analysis of psychological approaches to the study of a mature and psychologically mature person, is performed. Scientific ideas about psychological maturity of identity from the positions of domestic and foreign authors have been updated. Various approaches to the problem of maturity’s development have been analyzed. Multidisciplinary approach to understanding maturity of personality has been substantiated and applied. The characteristics of mature and psychologically mature personality in the perspective of his/her ontogenesis have been determined and compared. From the standpoint of humanistic approach, the features of the personality that characterize the psychologically mature person, have been given. The levels of this category have been proved. The level modelling of formation and development of psychological personality’s maturity is presented. To conclude, directions of development of psychologically mature person – intrapersonal and interpersonal are shown.
Keywords: personality, maturity, psychological approaches, domestic and foreign views on maturity, psychological maturity, stages of psychological maturity, qualities of a psychologically mature personality, model, levels of formation, development
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 138 — 146
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