In memory of the teacher-scientist. To the 100th anniversary of A. P. Romanov
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-164-172
The article gives an idea of the people and events in our country in the early 1950s on the example of the life of Alexei Petrovich Romanov, a graduate of the Tomsk pedagogical institute, a student and colleague of professor F. F. Shamakhov. A. P. Romanov is known as a publicist on scientific and pedagogical topics, the author of informative and profound pedagogical articles and scientific research, including the candidate degree thesis “Children’s clubs as the basis of educational work of schoolchildren”. A. P. Romanov’s doctoral dissertation “Children’s and teenage clubs in the system of public education in the USSR (historical and pedagogical aspect)” significantly expanded the current club topics throughout the country. Already in the years of student studies of A. P. Romanov, the famous Tomsk scientist in the field of the history of pedagogy F. F. Shamakhov noted the high research potential of his student, predicted the further successful scientific growth of a promising young man. Throughout his life, the wise teacher F.F. Shamakhov provided him moral, paternally caring and friendly human support, stimulated scientific confidence in creative searches. In this article, now halfforgotten epistolary genre in the author’s edition of the academicians of the Russian Academy of Education is used as evidence of the high culture of written communication of the scientific intelligentsia of the 20th century.
Keywords: Scientific school of F. F. Shamakhov, history of pedagogy, research work, school children’s clubs, correspondence of famous scientists
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 164 — 172
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