Game training as efficient means of vocational choice of generation Z high school students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-37-47
The questions of the effectiveness of methods and approaches used in vocational guidance in modern education are considered. The results of the analysis of the state of the modern labor market, as well as the real number of citizens working outside their specialty, are presented. It is indicated that unfavorable statistics are formed due to the absence or illiterate conduct of career guidance activities for modern adolescents in a comprehensive school, which contradicts the main regulatory documents governing the conduct of career guidance work. The article provides a critical analysis of career guidance psychodiagnostic methods currently used, which were created in the second half of the 20th century and do not take into account the specifics of professions, as well as the generational trend of modern adolescents. The authors have developed career guidance interactive game training as an innovative means of career guidance, which is more adaptive in relation to modern high school students – representatives of the Z generation. The results of the experiment showed that the proposed author’s career guidance system in the paradigm “author’s questionnaire – game career guidance training – individual consultations with parents and children” can be considered a more effective tool for the professional orientation of modern schoolchildren compared to other methods used in modern education.
Keywords: career guidance diagnostics, generation Z, gaming gamified career guidance pedagogical training, unconscious incompetence, conscious choice of profession
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 37 — 47
Downloads: 541