Peculiarities of using the professionally oriented graphic tasks for railway students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-32-38
The training of the engineering personnel with a certain set of professional competencies that allow the use of modern scientific achievements and the level of digital technologies in the field of railway transport is of great importance today. The formation of the socalled graphic competency is one of the main general professional and professional competencies to be developed. The possibilities and advantages of the professionally adapted educational graphic tasks for the students of the railway construction specialty in the educational process, which contribute to the formation of the graphic competence, as well as the process of professional development of students, are considered. The examples of the professionally adapted educational graphic tasks for the railway construction specialty are presented.
Keywords: engineering personnel, general professional competencies, graphic competence, professionally oriented tasks, professionally adapted educational graphic tasks, pedagogical support for students
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 32 — 38
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