Development of a questionnaire on implicit theories of education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-99-106
The results of the development and psychometric testing of the questionnaire of implicit theories of education are presented. Implicit theories are considered by many researchers as the fundamental basis for organizing the knowledge of the world by the subject and systematizing individual experience. Their study allows us to determine the system of the subject’s relationship to reality, his ideas about it and behavioral models determined by the content of these theories. Implicit theories have a different subject orientation, being included in various aspects of an individual’s life. Specific activity contributes to the formation of characteristic implicit theories. In this sense, implicit learning theories are part of the educator’s mindset. Based on the theory and practical material of studies of implicit theories of various nature, the questionnaire of implicit theories of education reveals new opportunities for the development of the concept of implicit theories in the field of educational psychology and pedagogy. Within the framework of the study, the implicit theories of education that function in the minds of students of a pedagogical profile of training are described. At the analysis stage, four pedagogical concepts were identified, which formed the basis for the development of the questionnaire. These concepts represent the historically established principles of education, dragged into real pedagogical practice. The development of the questionnaire confirmed the validity of the four-factor model for describing implicit theories of education, which substantially corresponds to the selected educational concepts. Additional methods for measuring validity showed results consistent with the data of the developed questionnaire. It is shown that students of pedagogical training profiles have specific and differentiated ideas about the educational process. The prospects for further use of the developed questionnaire are presented.
Keywords: implicit theories, teacher’s thinking, questionnaire of implicit theories, education, psychological and pedagogical concepts
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 99 — 106
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