Organization of phenological observations in geography at school
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-26-35
The problem of the introduction of phenological observations in school is considered. The basic terms of phenology are given. A review of the literature on the use of phenological observations in agriculture is carried out. The history of phenological observations in Russia and Tomsk is described. The state of phenology in Russia and Tomsk at the beginning of the XXI century is described. The authors have developed 15 indicators of observations of phenological phenomena in Tomsk for the spring period. A comparative analysis of their own phenological observations for the period from 2021 to 2023 with the results of previous years by other authors is given. The importance of popularization of phenological observations among schoolchildren is actualized. The content of school geography textbooks is analyzed for the presence of phenology tasks in them. Methodically developed and conducted four classes at school in the section “Phenology”, which are aimed at the formation of cognitive universal learning activities and the development of motivation for research activities. The ways of forming students’ skills of observing seasonal changes in nature during scheduled and extracurricular geography classes are shown. It describes the participation of one of the authors of the article in the development of tasks for the Regional phenological competition “Nature Calendar” in the Tomsk region. 32 people from Tomsk, Pervomaisky, Molchanovsky, Chainsky, Kargasoksky, Verkhneketsky region, as well as from the city of Strezheva took part in the “Nature Calendar” competition. The purpose of the article is to popularize phenological observations among schoolchildren of the Tomsk region.
Keywords: phenology, phenological phenomenon, phytophenology, zoophenology, phenological phases, phenological dates, phenological interval, phenological indicator, nature calendar, cognitive universal educational activities, research activities of schoolchildren, Tomsk
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 26 — 35
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