Didactic tools as a condition for retraining welders on the basis of the training center of the enterprise
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-2-104-112
Methodological substantiations of the use of didactic tools as a leading tool that forms the motivational, cognitive and professional activities of workers at the enterprise in the conditions of a production training center are presented. The theoretical significance of the studied problem in the theory and practice of professional training of workers in the field of welding production is determined. The concepts of “in-house training”, “in-house training”, “training in the conditions of the enterprise” are clarified. It is reasonable to fill didactic tools as a category of auxiliary means for conducting training and production classes in the conditions of the training center of JSC “Nizhnetagilsky Metallurgical Combine” from the position of in-house training. In the current situation, continuous development becomes one of the priority processes for the country. Standards are changing at a high rate, new equipment and new technologies are emerging, such processes require constant development in the field of human qualifications. A high-tech enterprise requires qualified employees, but it should be understood that after a while their qualifications will again be insufficient. At the present stage of industrial training according to the retraining programs of workers, modern information carriers are introduced in the theory and practice of teaching special courses. Currently, the main part of educational and teaching materials, including the text part of lecture materials, literary sources, illustrations, graphs, flowcharts, tables, diagrams, instructional and instructional-technological maps, practical cases.
Keywords: in-house training, training in the conditions of the enterprise, training of workers, welding production, didactics, didactic tools
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 104 — 112
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