The article deals with didactic peculiarities of technologisation of competence-building educational programmes in higher school. Tomsk Polytechnic University experience in delivering professional training programmes for academic staff is described. The paper also presents the advantages of professional reflection for developing pedagogical professionalism of a university lecturer according to the aims of competence-building technologisation in higher education. The authors outline the essential features of the pedagogical experiment delivered in groups of programme participants and provide the details of the online experience of the professional training programme for university academic staff. The following research methods were applied: theoretical analysis, survey (questionnaire), analysis of teaching and learning aids, expert analysis.
Keywords: higher education, competence-building educational program, professional enhancement courses for academic staff, competence-building technologisation in the sphere of higher education
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 77 — 83
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