Formation of the future bachelor’s moral responsibility as a social and professional quality is carried out in educational and professional activities process, provided with a set of different professional and cultural practices. This article clarified the concept of “moral responsibility of the future bachelor”, defined its structural elements – clusters, according to which the pedagogical diagnostics of moral responsibility formation of the future bachelors study is developed. Next there is a description of the assessment and diagnostic tools of moral responsibility formation of the future bachelors study in professional and cultural practices process. The marked criteria are spiritual, interactive, creative, also the regulatory levels of moral responsibility formation of the future bachelors in a positive mode of their manifestation (the indifferent, unstable and stable) are described.
Keywords: moral responsibility of the future bachelor, clusters of moral responsibility, the criterion of formation, the level of formation, assessment and diagnostic tools
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 42 — 47
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