DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-9-20
The article deals with a topical question of modern literary studies – research, development and approbation of the active forms of mastering the fiction poetics. The article indicates the existing methods of the artistic creations in literature classes, describes the prospects of the educational quest and the main stages of realization of the quest as an educational technology. The article represents the quest based on the creative works by Vladimir Nabokov, the process and results of its testing on participants with different levels of knowledge (freshmen philologists and high school students). In understanding the methodological principles of working with space in the lessons of literature, we rely on the works of E. I. Korostileva, Yu. G. Pykhtina, S. V. Kashirina, A. K. Gaisina, Yu. G. Pykhina, O. I. Fedotov. When developing the quest, three methodological grounds were taken into account. 1. The use of analytical types of tasks. 2. Reliance on the literary tradition of the study of artistic space. 3. Literary analysis should precede the methodical development of the quest. Approbation showed that the process of passing the quest makes the participants deep into the creative world of the novel “Mashenka” by V. Nabokov and helps with structuring not only artistic creation but also the fiction poetics in general (plot logic, dynamics of the character development, etc.). The comprehension of the fictional structure and the author’s concept of work through the quest is achieved in a rather short period.
Keywords: educational quest, fiction, artistic creation, Nabokov
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 20
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