DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-121-128
Professional managerial activity of the head of an educational institution is closely related to the need to prepare a great number of documents or make decisions based on documentary information. From this point of view, one of the aspects of preparing students for the master’s program in “Education Management” is mastering of the discipline “Records Management in Education”. The study was carried out on the basis of the analysis of scientific, pedagogical and special literature, federal state educational standards of higher education, the process and results of teaching the course of office work. Achievement of the research goal is realized on the basis of system, activity and task approaches. Based on the analysis of the project of professional standard of the manager in the field of education justified the introduction of the educational program of training graduate in “Education Management” course “Records Management in Education”. For this purpose, an educational and methodological complex has been developed on the issues of office management and documentation support for management. In the implementation of the labor functions of the head of an educational institution in many cases, the function in the field of office management and documentation support for managing an educational institution becomes concomitant. The course “Records Management in Education” meets the need for the formation of the competence of the head of an educational institution in this area.
Keywords: Training of the head of the educational institution in the field of documentation management; Labor functions of the head of an educational institution; Course “Office Management in Education”
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 121 — 128
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