DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-21-26
We described the issues of different age education in a rural school and presented the main components of information literacy of school students (obtaining information; evaluating information; using information). The concept of “information” is disclosed. We studied the relationship of information literacy with such types as network literacy (the ability to analyze, collect and use information coming from social networks); digital literacy (the ability to understand and use information provided by a variety of formats and sources using a computer); internet literacy; computer literacy (knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for understanding information and communication technologies, including hardware, software, systems, networks (local networks and the Internet)); media literacy (knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for understanding all means of (mass) communication and formats in which the creation, storage, transmission and presentation of data, information and knowledge is carried out). We gave examples and analysis of the current situation in rural schools, the reasons why it is necessary to develop and implement information and communication technologies in small schools and the practice of their application. We also described the main directions of development of teachers in rural schools (areas that require special attention when designing a development program for a particular school) and the conditions that are necessary for this.
Keywords: information literacy, rural school students
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 21 — 26
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