DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-9-15
The author considers the issue of the implementation of the continuity of preschool and primary education. Continuity is understood as the interaction between different levels of education. This interaction provides the development of children, enriching their knowledge and experience. It is based on taking into account the specifics of age, the leading type of activity, on the use of appropriate, effective for each situation means, methods, forms of pedagogical activity. The continuity of methods and means is aimed at establishing a smooth phased formation of the child’s learning activities and moving him from one educational level to another. The author analyzes the standards of preschool and primary general education from the perspective of the implementation of continuity. The analysis showed similarities in goals, in a theoretical and methodological basis (system-activity approach), in the structure, which allows us to determine the consistency of the content and methods of its implementation at the levels of preschool and primary education. An important mechanism of continuity is the search for cross-cutting, that is, relevant for different levels of education, technologies and methods. This requirement meets the project, which the author presents as an integrative activity, combining game, research, creative activities. The researcher presents the special results of the implementation of project activities in each age group and their relationship.
Keywords: continuity of preschool and primary education, design activities of preschool children, design activities of primary school children
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 15
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